Ushers Schedule 2014


                                                                                  Usher Schedule 2015


January- Duane & Karen Johnson

February- Pete & Mary Jo Swenson

March- Jeremy & Andrew Weber

April- Stan & Darlene Wandersee

May- Chuck & Barb Prokosch

June- Al & Nesta Keller

July- Ed & Renate Skor

August- John & Eunice Olson

September- Stan & Darlene Wandersee

October- Jeremy Weber &

November- Chuck & Barb Prokosch

December- Duane & Karen Johnson

January 2015- Duane & Karen Johnson



If you cannot fulfill your responsibility on the Sunday you are scheduled, you must find a substitute to fill your position.

Thank you for your contributions in fulfilling these responsibilities at the Sunday Service

If you have any questions, please call Jeremy Weber at.

Readers Note:

Go up to the lectern during the song prior to the 1st lesson.

Just announce the "Book and Chapter" of the readings.

Do not read the context setting.

At the and of the 2nd lesson, respond, "This is the Word of the Lord".